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What is anxiety?

What is anxiety?

Anxiety is the feeling you have when you think that something unpleasant is going to happen in the
future. Other words such as feeling ‘apprehensive’, ‘uncertain’, ‘nervous’ and ‘on edge’ also provide a
good description of feelings linked to anxiety.

Anxiety is completely normal and something that all human beings experience from time to time, when
faced with situations that are difficult or threatening.

The word ‘anxiety’ is often used to cover a broad range of experiences and is linked with emotions
such as fear and worry. In fact, ‘fear’ and ‘anxiety’ are almost interchangeable terms.
Anxiety itself can be a helpful emotion, as it can help you to prepare for events ahead as well as improving your performance.
Depression with Anxiety

However, anxiety can become so severe and intense at times that it becomes debilitating and starts to restrict daily routine and life as a whole. In essence, at this point, the anxiety experienced has got out of proportion and you end up feeling much more anxious than you would expect someone else to be in your circumstances.

At this point, you can be said to be suffering from an anxiety disorder. There are many different anxiety
disorders (phobias, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder – OCD – panic attacks, etc) that all have anxiety symptoms at their core.

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