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Social conditioning for anxiety

Social conditioning for anxiety

Social conditioning for anxiety. Finally, you may be in our last category in terms of how you developed your anxiety condition. Some people almost seem to ‘learn’ their anxiety from a family member or friend.

How often do you hear that a person who is frightened of spiders also has aparent who is frightened?

Sometimes when we are children we subconsciously pick up other peoples’ fears. This is because we believe that adults know best. If your mother is frightened of spiders, this means to you as a child that spiders are dangerous and you should keep away from them.
Specific stressful events

Perhaps you can trace your fear back to childhood and account for it in this way.

It is probably worth saying that if you feel you need to spend some more time looking back and reflecting over your life then it may be an idea to seek counselling.

There are various types of counselling, ranging from person-centred counselling – an approach which is very much about you making decisions for yourself with the counsellor acting as a guide – through to psychodynamic/psychoanalytical therapy which is, as its name suggests, more analytical in nature.

Counselling is often available through the NHS and there are other organisations that offer counselling at reasonable rates or in some cases at no charge. If you are thinking about seeing a
counsellor privately, we recommend you contact the British Association for Counselling and
Psychotherapy (BACP) – their number is at the back of this book.

We also have our own in-house counselling service with counsellors available at various locations throughout the UK. Additionally we are also able to offer counselling by telephone and also webcam.

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