Management and treatment of anxiety.
As you will have seen from the personal accounts of anxiety given, whilst the principles of anxiety are the
same, people are individuals and therefore find different treatment combinations helpful when it comes to the management of their anxiety.
The guidelines set out the currently recommended evidence based treatments that are available in the UK covering both psychological therapies as well as medication.
So now that we have looked at the three parts of anxiety: the physical, psychological and behavioural
aspects, we shall look at methods of coping and how to control anxiety.
There are various ways of tackling anxiety – each being designed to deal with one of the three components:
Generally, relaxation training is helpful in dealing with the physical symptoms of anxiety. Thought stopping techniques, distraction and therapies that help you look at your thoughts and ways of thinking such as CBT are useful ways of tackling the psychological symptoms, and behavioural therapy (which I have already described in some detail) is useful for tackling avoidance behaviour that you may have
developed along the way.
You can use all of these techniques yourself and can practice them alone without having to spend any money!